A+ Complete Diet Package (GOLD PACKAGE)


This is the complete diet and cleansing package with the most powerful vitamin drops, to cleanse your body for 10 days, then go on the diet plan for 4 to 6 weeks, then finish the cleansing drops after you are done with your diet. The complete package comes with 4 products. (Best Value)


You are about to purchase the best product available on the market. No other product can even come close to NK Miracle Diet drops. Please read the entire information and procedures before purchasing and starting your diet and contact us if you have any questions. We are here to help

Benefits of New Kado Miracle Diet Drops

Body Sculpting Benefits of NK Diet Drops

Many people that are using NK Miracle Diet drops to help them lose weight are finding that the drops help with the reshaping of their body as well. Unlike many weight loss programs that only help with losing weight, drops also appear to help rejuvenate your structural fat, which helps make your hands, neck, and face look refreshed. When you go on the diet you are also supposed to follow a very low-calorie diet per day. Without the help of New Kado Miracle Diet drops, a diet consisting of these few calories can result in a loss of your muscle mass. However, when you are on the NK diet drops you do not experience this side effect. In addition, the drops appear to actually reduce the appetite, which makes it easier to adhere to the low-calorie diet. You just need to have the patience to see the amazing results. the Miracle Diet drops appear to help you contour your body and decrease the circumference of your body. The new Kado Miracle Diet drops will also help you tone common problem areas, such as reducing the amount of fat deposited in double chins and getting rid of pot bellies. The NK diet

Health Benefits of New Kado Miracle Diet Drops

Obviously, shedding extra pounds will help improve your overall health. Researchers also believe that taking NK diet drops helps to normalize your cholesterol levels. In addition, appears to help normalize your thyroid gland and balance your metabolism.

Emotional Benefits of New Kado Miracle Diet Drops

People on the diet also routinely report experiencing less irritability and generally feeling in a better mood. This lift in spirits seems to continue throughout your entire treatment period. People also report having more restful sleep, which may be partially responsible for the improved mood. Similarly, people report feeling more energized while undergoing the NK diet. This may be attributed to the improvement in sleep, the loss of excess weight, and the positive impact the NK diet has on the adrenaline glands.


Will I be hungry on a low-calorie diet while using the drops?

It is common for mild hunger during the first few days, however, this will pass and by the 2nd week. You will find even very tiny servings, to be completely satisfying. This is partly due to your hypothalamus adjusting your metabolic rate, but largely due to the number of calories circulating in your system from the fat being released. It is common that NK dieters feel as though they are stuffing themselves in order to reach that very low-calorie limit.

Why so low-calorie diet?

This drop causes your hypothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the fat storage locations so that it’s available for use. While you are consuming less calories, your hypothalamus is continually releasing the fat stored in your body. Because of this, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day. The result is your body burning thousands of calories each day, the reason NK dieters lose ½ to 2 pounds of fat or more, per day!

How does this drop work with a Low-Calorie Diet?

Simply put, when you restrict your calories per day along with daily doses of NK Drops, the drops trick the body into burning fat instead of muscle. Anytime a person goes on an extremely low-calorie diet (without drops) to lose weight, the body does not release enough fat fast enough to provide energy due to the low calories.

It is for this reason, crash diets normally don’t work and are extremely unhealthy. Instead of burning fat, the body begins burning lean muscle tissue, and at some point can begin breaking down your organs.

A Low-Calorie Diet along with NK drops has proven to work for many years. The drops cause the brain to send a signal to your body to begin breaking down your fat reserves for energy instead of breaking down your muscle. This is not only healthier, but your weight loss is unbelievable.

Couldn’t I lose as much weight eating low calories and NOT taking the drops?

Yes. The difference is what kind of weight you would lose and whether it would come right back? These drops target “FAT” and “FAT ONLY” while starvation-type diets target fat, plus muscle, and in extreme dieting, your organs.

Will my metabolism slow down if I am on a low-calorie diet?

It is true that normally when cutting back on calories and fat, our body stores fat and our metabolism slows down. This happens because fat is really a life-saving source of stored energy. When a very low-calorie diet is used in conjunction with the drops, the drops signal your body to use your stored fat for energy and eliminates your excess fat reserves. It’s a natural process, so no ill effects on your metabolism will result.

Will I end up with a lot of wrinkles and stretch marks?

This is where this diet differs in effect from all other weight loss regimens. This drop eliminates your abnormal fat deposits. Double chins, pot bellies, and fat around your thighs are usually the first to shrink. Your body needs certain fats to remain available for healthy body function, and the drops do not reduce your needed structural and essential tissues. The drops in our product go after your abnormal fat deposits first. Your body will get a new youthful appearance during the program.

How much weight can I expect to lose?

If the program is followed perfectly, men report a loss of 1 to 1½ pounds per day. As general rule women do not lose as much as men although some do lose around ½ to 1 pound per day. The average weight loss for a woman is around ½ pound per day.

If you are taking other drugs or supplements you may not experience as much weight loss as other women.

How hard is it to keep the weight off once I’ve lost it?

An average of 70% to 90% of people that have participated in this diet claim they have had no difficulty keeping their gains. After the diet, which lasts between 6 and 9 weeks your appetite will have changed along with your body. Unless you go completely back to your former habits, moderate exercise and healthy eating habits should help you maintain your weight loss.

Should women use this diet during their monthly menstrual cycle?

The best time for women to start the program is immediately after their period. If you want to go on the 30-day program, simply stop the diet drops on the heavy days of your cycle, continue the low-calorie diet meal plan, and then when your heavy days of the period are finished start the diet drops once again. (it is normal to gain some weight during your period, not taking the drops will help you not to gain much)

Who can use the diet?

The treatment works for almost everyone, young, old, male, female. Always check with your doctor before beginning any new weight loss program.

Are there any side effects of using this diet?

The vast majority of people report no problems with the sublingual drops. Some people report slight headaches which may be due to the Low-Calorie Diet in the first few days.

Some that are prone to migraines have reported migraines during the first week.


Who should not take the drops?

Pregnant women and women that are nursing.

Those with serious diseases, low blood sugar, or injecting insulin.  

Will the drops interfere with medications my doctor has prescribed to me?

This drop does not interfere with the vast majority of medications you may be taking. However, check with your doctor before you start any diet program.